Law Firm
We are a team of law professionals
made of experienced attorneys and trial lawyers
Main page Services LABOR LAW


L1 possesses years of experience and successful law practice in labor law, work safety and resolution of labor disputes.

The services we offer in this field include:

  • the drafting of all kinds of employment contracts, in-house by-laws, corporate motivation and incentives schemes and systems

  • consulting on matters of labor safety and personal data protection, provision of support at the time of state audits

  • out-of-court and court settlement of labor disputes and mediation, reimbursement for material damages, class actions, interaction with trade unions, and collective bargaining

  • personnel audit, review, HR organization

  • resolution of complicated labor disputes

  • the drafting of internal regulations (HR), including work schedules, commercial secret and personal data protection regulations

  • employer and employee representation in the state labor inspection bodies

  • consulting on mass layoffs or workforce reductions

  • disputes with trade unions

  • disputes arising in the process of conclusion or extension of employment contracts

  • outstaffing consulting

  • consulting on migration matters

  • work permits for foreign workers

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